Marketing Information Service – Canegrowers
Farm Management Deposits Scheme – Evaluation
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) is undertaking an evaluation of the Farm Management Deposits Scheme (FMDS) to ensure it meets the expectations of primary producers and operates efficiently.
The FMDS was established in 1999 and assists primary producers across Australia build financial self-reliance, manage risks, and prepare for times of uncertainty. The FMDS allows primary producers to set aside pre-tax income in good times to build up cash reserves, increasing their self-reliance during tough times.
The department wants to hear your thoughts on how the FMDS is run and how it helps primary producers manage through tough times. They also want to hear about other ways primary producers manage risks and how they compare to the FMDS.
Your feedback on the outcomes, impacts, costs and benefits of the FMDS will support government decisions on the ongoing implementation of the FMDS.
Have your say today at https://haveyoursay.awe.gov.au/farm-management-deposits-scheme-evaluation
CANEGROWERS will be submitting comment through the National Farmers Federation but if you use the Scheme and want to provide personal feedback click on the link above.
Tropical Cyclone Jasper disaster recovery available

Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants are available to assist directly impacted primary producers with the costs of clean-up and reinstatement.
Grants of up to $75,000 are available for affected producers following Tropical Cyclone Jasper, associated rainfall and flooding, 13 – 28 December 2023, to hire or purchase equipment and materials, clean up, remove debris, replace fencing and other costs associated with the recovery process. Producers should take photographs of the direct damage to accompany their application/s.
To be eligible for assistance your property must be located in one of the defined disaster areas:
- Cairns Regional Council
- Cassowary Coast Regional Council
- Cook Shire Council
- Douglas Shire Council
- Hinchinbrook Shire Council
- Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council
- Mareeba Shire Council
- Tablelands Regional Council
- Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council
- Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council
For more information, including eligibility click below.

Queensland property owners can register their unwanted agricultural and veterinary chemicals for Agsafe’s ChemClear collection.
ChemClear is a widely recognised program that manages the risks associated with obsolete agvet chemicals. The program provides a safe, effective and convenient path for users to dispose of their unwanted agvet chemicals.
For more information visit Chemclear’s website.