Lower Herbert Water Quality Program
Improving water quality and sustainabilityAbout the program

A total of $16 million was invested into the Lower Herbert Water Quality Program (LHWQP) to support farm management practice changes to reduce dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) losses from farms entering waterways of the lower Herbert
River catchment. The RTP funded a regional Coordinator position through CANEGROWERS Herbert River to foster collaboration among regional stakeholders (Delivery Providers, Traditional Owners, other regional initiatives etc.) and better support adaptive management when achieving targeted water quality outcomes.
If you could like to find out more about the program, we have several resources available to read and watch.
Below are our socal media videos as well as program brochures and flyers.
The Delivery Providers

Agro Group
The Modernising On-Farm Mill Mud Application project and implemented new technology to better manage nutrient application and maximise the positive impacts of mill mud. Two prototype mill mud spreading spinner trucks were deployed to achieve reduced on-farm mill mud application rates, accurate and variable placement on the cane and wider regional distribution. The efficient and user-friendly operating system reduced human error and achieved a consistent output for the farmer, enabling them to calculate modified fertilising rates. Applying mill mud at lower rates in more targeted inland locations has resulted in
less nutrient runoff into coastal waterways. Remote farms are now accessing mill mud where it may not have been economical in the past, benefiting the entire sugar farming community. Since 2021, there has been a 15% increase in mill mud application more than 30 kilometres from the mill. Broader and more precise application of mill mud is not only benefiting individual farms but is making a significant contribution to the health of the lower Herbert waterways as well.

Catchment Solutions
Project Catalyst’s Broader Adoption project, in partnership with Ingham-based Herbert Cane Productivity Services, supported management practice changes through the provision of agronomic advice, demonstration trials and grower information sessions. Tested methodologies and farm management practices were implemented with support provided for the development of detailed farm-specific nutrient management plans, soil testing, water quality monitoring, chemical and fertiliser application rate assessment and advice and GPS mapping. Thirty growers evaluated their current farming system and identified and adopted two farming practice changes. Networking events including shed meetings, field days and an annual forum enabled and expanded the grower network, which has been critical in providing “Peer-to-Peer” learning through open discussion and the sharing of information. The project has contributed to improved environmental health of our regional waterways by working together to help sustain water quality and water flow for the health and management of our rivers and creeks.

The Reef Trust Partnership Water Quality program purchased Reef Credits from GreenCollar allowing farmers in the Lower Herbert region to generate and sell Reef Credits through validated and audited activities that go beyond regulations and create an impact to endure far beyond the initial investment term. The Reef Credit Scheme incentivises land management practices that improve water quality by reducing pollution flowing directly to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Reef Credits are sold to a range of buyers such as
government, corporate, industrial or philanthropic entities. GreenCollar worked closely with the Foundation, and the Regional Coordinator and delivery providers to ensure Reef Credits projects focused on activities and actions that are complementary to past and current regional projects to achieve the greatest water quality improvement. This included a co-design process, developing projects with farmers to reduce dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) runoff and create Reef Credit, focusing on securing additional
investment to the region leveraging and optimising Program investment.

Project CaNE™ addressed the issue of DIN being exported from the farm into freshwater and marine ecosystems within the Herbert catchment area. 167 farms were supported to develop whole-of-farm nutrient management plans based on the industry standard SIX EASY STEPS® nutrient management program developed
by Sugar Research Australia, the lead research, development, and engineering agency for the Australian sugarcane industry. Agronomic support was provided for improved management practices to drive productive, financial, and environmentally sustainable farming
systems. Novel and innovative extension approaches included face-to-face, group extension and mass media extension methodologies to engage with farmers to
support practice change activities leading to improvements in water quality and productivity, backed by robust scientifically proven water quality monitoring throughout the catchment area. James Cook University’s TropWATER undertook real-time water quality monitoring and communicated local water quality outcomes to empower farmers who were improving farming practices to reduce DIN entering local water ways.

Liqua Force
LandHub is an all-in-one solution for fertiliser management on farms through optimal nutrient management plans, industry-leading DIN reduction, and
accessible information to close the knowledge gap for sustainable farm management. Through this project, 35
Herbert farmers have been supported to develop farm-specific data to measure crop and soil health, and water movement which was fed into the LAND platform. Growers used the agronomic and technological support to better match nutrient application to crop requirements, which has increased the sustainability of
the farm and reduced fertiliser losses through runoff entering the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon. LAND has enabled better decision making processes through
access to easy long-term monitoring of crop performance, and a far greater understanding of underlying agronomic issues and solutions suitable for their farms.

Canegrowers HR
The Major Grant Project has improved the productivity and profitability of the Herbert sugar industry while improving the quality of water flowing from the Herbert River catchment to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Ninety-four Herbert sugarcane growers accessed $1,500,000 in financial incentives and improved their nitrogen management practices to reduce DIN losses from their farms. Herbert growers also invested $1,852,056 of their own funds to achieve practices such as matching nitrogen supply to crop nitrogen requirements, timing of fertiliser application and/or fertiliser application methods. Growers were supported to assess their farming practices and collect and collate farm records and other required evidence to achieve accreditation. All participating growers have completed the Soil Health and Nutrient Management, Irrigation and Drainage Management, and Weed, Pest and Disease Management SmartCane BMP modules are now SmartCane BMP accredited.
Read our blog posts
Stay up to date with what’s happening in the Lower Herbert and beyond.
International students visiting the Lower Herbert to learn about the Australian Sugar Industry
Last October, delivery providers for the Lower Herbert Water Quality Program hosted a student field trip to welcome international students from Study Townsville to the Lower Herbert Region.Students from James Cook University, TAFE Australia and the International...
Herbert growers embrace opportunity to meet with industry expert at soil workshop and networking forum
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Positive Relationships are the key to adopting new practice changes in the Lower Herbert
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