Call CANEGROWERS Insurance today.
Herbert River – Frank Scardamaglia Authorised Rep No. 1288421.
Phone: 07 4776 5350 or 0475 818 800
Why choose CANEGROWERS Insurance…
Dedicated team
- Experienced insurance representatives located across QLD.
- We work with you – the grower – as our sole focus.
- Ready to provide solutions and assist with claims.
Local service
- We provide on farm service for CANEGROWERS members.
- We offer insurance solutions for specific needs.
- We are community focused and understand local issues.
We work for you
- As insurance brokers, we work on your behalf.
- NO broking fees (for CANEGROWERS members).
- Access a diverse market of reputable insurance providers.
Tailored farm products
- Quality farm insurance products tailored to your needs.
- Designed with CANEGROWERS for cane growers!
- We are not for profit – meaning all profits go back into supporting CANEGROWERS members.
Group Strength
- As Steadfast brokers, we have access to best choice insurance products (not publicly available).
Flexible options
- With CANEGROWERS Insurance you have more flexibility and choice of underwriters and policies.
- Your local representative will source the most suitable policies based on your requirements and budget and negotiate the best terms for you.
- CANEGROWERS Insurance can obtain cover and quotes on your behalf for most of your insurance needs.
We offer
- Insurance for your farm and farm vehicles
- Commercial, business and liability insurance
- Commercial or private car and machinery cover
- Home and landlords insurance
- Cover for your boat and caravan.

Contact Frank Scardamaglia – Authorised Rep No. 1288421
FSG : Herbert River
CANEGROWERS Insurance is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No 429259) for Community Broker Network ABN 60 96 916 184 AFSL 233750