Growers Services

There are a number of services CANEGROWERS Herbert River provides to it’s members. We have provided a non-exhaustive list below.

Cane Supply Contracts – Negotiations are undertaken with millers for Cane Supply Contracts by the Bargaining Agents/Negotiation Team.

Sugar Marketing – Representations to governments in relation to amendments to the Sugar Industry (Real Choice in Marketing) Act 2015.

Cane Auditing – Management (and employment of auditors) of the Cane Audit service in mills, ensuring all weighing and cane analysis procedures are conducted to the highest level.

Harvest Managment – Monitoring the equitable harvest throughout the crushing.

Regional Councils – All local government matters/concerns on behalf of members including drainage and local road access and maintenance issues.

Transfer of STL Shares – assist with the paperwork for transfer of advice of options is no buer has been sourced.

Environmental Issues –  Including vegetation management and water quality.

Lease/Share Farming – Preparationof standard cane farm leases and share farm agreements.

Road Access Permits –  Assisting Members with applications for permits.

If you would like further information, have any questions or would like to become a member of the CANEGROWERS Herbert River contact our office today on the details below.

Contact Us

Phone (07) 4776 5350


Address: Level 4, 11 – 13 Lannercost Street Ingham QLD 4850

Postal Address: PO Box 410 Ingham QLD 4850


Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday           8.30am – 4.30pm

Friday                                        8.30am – 4.00pm