Major Grants Project

Grower Incentive Grants have been given to Herbert growers who are able to improve water quality associated with on-farm nitrogen management practice changes by receiving financial support. Grower Incentive Grants are part of the Major Grants Project which aims to improve the quality of water flowing from the Herbert River catchment to the GBR lagoon while at the same time improving productivity and profitability of the Herbert sugar industry. Grower Incentive Grants are being managed by CANEGROWERS Herbert River as part of the Lower Herbert Water Quality Program (LHWQP) which is funded by the Reef Trust Partnership.

Herbert growers have been successful in obtaining Grower Incentive Grants of up to $25,000 (excluding GST) for a single farm project and they must provide a ≥50% matching Cash Contribution of the total project cost towards their Grower Incentive Grant Project.  A number of growers can collaborate in a multi-farm project to collectively receive up to $100,000 (excluding GST) and each providing a ≥50% matching Cash Contribution of the total project cost. Further information about Grower Incentive Grants is available below.

Grower Incentive Grants are being managed by CANEGROWERS Herbert River as part of the Lower Herbert Water Quality Program funded by the Reef Trust Partnership.


Leah Russo – Major Grants Project Officer (0409 477 713)

Paul Marbelli – Grant Officer (0408 180 552)