Important Notice to Motorists

Nightworks bridge closure on John Row Bridge will occur from:
7pm Monday 25 November to 5am Tuesday 26 November

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) would like to advise motorists that a full bridge closure on the John Row Bridge, located on the Bruce Highway, 3km north of Ingham, as essential repairs are carried out.

All work is subject to weather conditions, contractor availability and construction progress.

What to expect during construction:

  • Full bridge closure of John Row Bridge for one night
  • A detour will be in place through Halifax (this detour is not suitable for heavy vehicles).

Emergency vehicle access will be accommodated if required.

TMR crews and traffic controllers will be onsite to manage traffic flow and ensure the safety of all road users. Your cooperation and patience during this period are greatly appreciated.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact TMR’s Customer and Stakeholder Management team on 1800 625 648.

Alternatively, please call 13 19 40 (available 24 hours, 7 days a week) or check Queensland Traffic for the latest updates – Queensland Traffic.

Works Notice – John Row Bridge

The Department of Transport and Main Roads advises that rehabilitation works will take place on John Row Bridge, Bruce Highway from 6.30am to 5.00pm commencing Monday 21 October 2024 through to early December 2024.

Oversized or wide loads greater than 3m will not be permitted to cross the bridge during this works period.

Please note this will require single lane closure, with traffic signals on site.

For further information please visit

Ingham, Hinchinbrook Shire, named second-top place to retire in Australia

The mayor of a North Queensland town, recently crowned the second-best place to retire in Australia, is hoping to kick start the district’s residential property industry.
Click the below link to continuing reading this story.

Ingham, Hinchinbrook Shire, named second-top place to retire in Australia | NT News


We recognise that this season has been challenging, with various factors such as weather causing disruptions. Additionally, late bin deliveries have been a frequent issue contributing to delays.

We are aware of the impact this has on your operations and are committed to ensuring the mill is held accountable. Our goal is to work towards a resolution that safeguards the interests of both our growers and the field sector.

To address this issue effectively, we need to document each occurrence of late bin delivery. To streamline this process, we have established a dedicated mobile phone for growers or contractors to report these delays.  We would like you to share this number
with your harvester contractor so we can capture all of the Herbert River district late bins.

We ask that you include the following details in your text message:

Group number
Date of occurrence
Expected delivery time
Actual arrival time of the bins
Number of bins delivered
Whether any bins were dragged due to the delay

The phone number for submitting your reports will be provided in the coming days and this will be a text only service.

We appreciate your cooperation and continued efforts as we work towards a solution.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any immediate concerns or questions. We are committed to standing by your side and working together to overcome these obstacles.

Canegrowers Herbert River Chairman Chris Bosworth, Deputy Chair Steven Marbelli and manager Frank Scardamaglia participated in the Policy Council meetings held in Brisbane earlier this week.

There are a number of issues Canegrowers discussed at Policy Council and are working through to ensure the optimal resolution is reached. Some of these issues and areas included;  

Load restraint
Access for Oversized and over mass

Value add & diversification
Sugar Plus leadership
Bioenergy Australia
Bio futures

Harvesting risk
Driver shortage
District data
Economics / affordability
Contractor Insurance

SRA Independent Review of Performance Mills
Mill Viability
Mill Reliability

Sustainability credentials
Smartcane BMP
Sustainability reporting (ESG)

Young Growers
Mentor Program

Sugar Terminals
Mill season length
Electricity Tarriff structures
Farm Business Essentials courses

Protection of prime agricultural land
GHG Emissions
Reef Credits

Any questions or request for further information please contact Frank Scardamaglia.


  CANEGROWERS Herbert River Board Meetings – Members Attending as an Observer
Canegrowers Herbert River holds monthly board meetings to discuss local and industry matters. Members of Canegrowers Herbert River have the opportunity to attend these board meetings as observers. This allows members to gain insight into how Canegrowers Herbert River represents their interests and businesses. If you are interested in attending a Canegrowers Herbert River board meeting, please contact Frank at 0475 818 800 or via email at

STL Declaration

If you are a STL Shareholder you would have now received an email and/or envelope consisting of a Members Status Declaration form and also a survey which consists of 5 questions.

You are required to complete and return the Members Status Declaration form by 31 July 2024.

The survey is optional and after further consultation with Canegrowers solicitor Chris Cooper, we are able to provide the below information to you regarding some of the incorrect and misleading information contained in these survey questions.

1. Para 2 – The last sentence suggests that cane volume should continue to be relevant to the number of shares held. Cane volume has nothing to do with acquiring or holding shares. Yes, volume history was relevant for the initial share allocation to growers when STL was formed about 2000,  but volume certainly does not continue to be relevant. 2. Para 3 – This question suggests that the STL constitution limits the maximum shareholding of any interest to 5% . This is an incorrect statement. What the constitution does in clause 3.2(b)(ii) is to say that no G class shareholder may vote more than the number of votes equal to 5% of the total number of “G” Class Shares. There is no restriction on the number of G class shares a G class shareholder can hold , the restriction is on the voting.

CANEGROWERS Herbert River Abergowrie Branch Meeting

Canegrowers Herbert River recently convened a branch meeting at the Long Pocket CWA hall, attracting a strong turnout from our members. The meeting served as a platform to discuss several critical issues impacting the district and the sugar industry. Key topics covered included:

  1. Fibre Testing: Discussion centered around the process around fibre testing including whose fibre is tested in the Herbert River district.
  2. Sustainable Aviation Fuel: We discussed the potential of producing sustainable aviation fuel from sugarcane and the opportunities in the future.
  3. Industrial Action at the Mills: We discussed the ongoing industrial action at the sugar mills, deliberating on its implications and Canegrowers submissions to date.
  4. Start Dates: The meeting discussed the scheduling of start dates for the upcoming harvesting season, and readiness of the mills.
  5. Pilot/Escort Course: Information was provided about upcoming pilot/escort courses, essential for ensuring safe and compliant transportation of oversized agriculture vehicle combinations.
  6. Load Restraints: TMR has now handed the baton to NHVR to police this regulation. It was highlighted the need to ensure no billets or trash spilt on roads. Canegrowers have a meeting in Mackay to discuss the issue further with NHVR next week and work together on a solution.   
  7. Sidings: The condition and maintenance of sidings, focusing on their impact on harvester groups and efficiency.
  8. Permitting: Current permitting processes and requirements,.

Overall, the meeting was productive, with active participation and valuable insights shared among members, reflecting the districts both current and future challenges in the sugar industry.

Riverine protection permits

You will generally need a riverine protection permit before you excavate; place fill; or destroy vegetation in any watercourse, lake or spring, unless you meet the exemption requirements (see below).

If you wish to remove riverine quarry material (such as stone, gravel, sand, rock, clay, earth and soil) from a watercourse or lake, you must obtain authorisations for the extraction riverine quarry materials. Contact your local business centre to check what is required.

You may also need to obtain other authorisations, such as owner consent and vegetation clearing permits.
How to apply for a riverine protection permit

Before applying, check whether your activity is covered by an exemption (see below). To apply, complete the application for a riverine protection permit (PDF, 616KB). No fees currently apply.

Exemption requirements

You do not need to apply for a permit if you meet the riverine protection permit exemption requirements (PDF, 143KB). To check if you meet these requirements, contact your local business centre. In certain cases, exemptions may also be available for emergency works. Read more about watercourse works associated with emergencies and disasters

SRA maps out Ten-Year R&D plan

A ten-year plan to chart the course of Research and Development (R&D) investment in the sugarcane industry over the next decade, has been released by Sugar Research Australia (SRA) today.

The plan is aimed at addressing key issues and critical challenges faced by Australian sugarcane growers and millers now and in the future. 

SRA’s Head of Research Strategy and Investment, Ms Jane Trindall, said the Ten-Year R&D plan 2024-2034 is important to the sugarcane industry because it outlines a commitment to investing in R&D that results in long-term improvement in all aspects of growing and milling sugarcane. 

“This will ensure the industry’s long-term viability and competitiveness in the coming decade,” Ms Trindall said. “It provides clear direction to help researchers focus on areas that will have the most benefit for the industry.”

“The plan’s impact over the next decade will have the effect of improvements in productivity, profitability and sustainability of the sugarcane industry through increased adoption of new research and development by growers and millers.”

The R&D plan aims to steer investment in research on behalf of Australian sugarcane growers and millers and the Australian government. To maximise the benefits for the industry, SRA will implement an integrated approach to direct its R&D investments across five R&D programs: 

1. Varieties: Create the potential 

2. Agronomy and farming systems: Achieve the potential 

3. Crop Protection: Safeguard the potential 

4. Milling and Processing: Deliver the potential 

5. Adoption: Reach the potential 

Five key principles guide SRA’s approach to implementation: Focus on the long-term, promote adoption, be future-ready, build research capability and collaborate. 

“The R&D Plan is a culmination of collaborative efforts with industry and government stakeholders,” Ms Trindall said. “Recognising the dynamic nature of our environment, the document serves as a living roadmap. 

Whilst the plan’s purpose is to bolster the industry’s competitiveness, productivity, and sustainability through innovative R&D, it also serves to benefit the regional communities that lie within it.

SRA’s planning aims to shape the future prosperity of the Australian sugarcane industry and its regional communities through ingenuity and innovation, and remains committed to ongoing engagement with key partners – continuously learning and adapting to shape a prosperous future for the Australian sugarcane industry.

Click below to view the latest news and reports of the Herbert Cane Productivity Services Ltd.

News and Reports | HCPSL

Selectability Mental Health Week Activities

Queensland Mental Health Week is 05 – 13 October 2024. Selectability Ingham will be hosting activities as part of Mental Health Week.

Tuesday 25th June 2024

Selectability are having a monthly community open day where we open the clubhouse doors to the entire community.
Come and say hello to our team, enquire about our services, talk about NDIS support and more.
Adult and Youth sessions are held separately,
Adults 9.00am to 2.00pm, Children 3.00pm to 5.00pm.

About us – mental health | suicide prevention | NDIS service provider | carer support | selectability

Computer Skills Class

Are you seeking to update your Computer Skills?
Join the Hinchinbrook Shire Library for Computer Classes.
Advanced Group 10.00am to 12.00pm
Beginner Group 12.30pm to 2.30pm
When: Every Thursday (except school holidays)
Where: Hinchinbrook Shire Library
Cost: Free
RSVP: Essential

For further information, please email or contact Council on 4776 4600

No Slash Zone Register

This Register allows residents to nominate that the road frontages of their property are not to be slashed by Council.

The No Slash Zone Register applies to local Council roads only and supports responsible land owners who are working to manage pest and weed species along the boundary of properties fronting road reserves throughout the district. For further information on identifying and managing pest and weed species visit our Land and Pest Management page

Once registered, guideposts will be installed to indicate the start and end of the No Slash Zone, these physical indicators are essential for Council or contractor slashers to differentiate between frontages of properties which are self-managed.

Slashers will not slash areas registered unless the No Slash Zone indicators are removed, requested to be removed or it becomes evident that the road frontage is no longer being maintained by the property owner and has become overgrown for an extended period of time.

To register your road frontage as a No Slash Zone, please follow the link below or contact Council on 4776 4671. Please ensure when providing information about your property to Council that you give specific details of where the No Slash Zone will start and end.

Growers Liability for Acts of Contractors

The general rule in law is that a grower is not liable for the acts of an independent contractor. The bad news is that there are always exceptions to the general rule. One exception is that a grower may well still be liable if they exercise a substantial degree of control over how the contractor performs their services.

Read Chris Cooper’s article below.

SRA Membership Form

Even though you are a SRA levy payer this does not mean you are a SRA member. If you would like to check if you are a member or not please contact Allyson from the SRA Communications team. Allyson’s contact details are:

Allyson Starky

Communications and Marketing Officer

Tel: 07 3331 3308       

Mob: 0408 185 138    

If you would like to become an SRA member please download the SRA membership application form below.

QRIDA – Farm Business Analysis Assistance

The Farm Business Analysis Assistance package provides primary producers experiencing financial difficulty free access to independent financial analysis on their farm business.

The package is a tailored report for primary producers to consider their financial options, support and improve communication and understanding with lenders.

The service is free and no obligation, offering an alternative professional opinion.

For more information and to apply view the documentation below.

An Introduction guide to Succession Planning

The Commonwealth sponsored introductory guide recently released provides a basic introduction to the concept and issues involved in Succession Planning.

Without travelling or even leaving home, you can now see a medical specialist online.  Go to on your mobile phone or home computer and book a telehealth appointment with a specialist from Dermatology to Urology.  All you need is a referral from your local GP.

The cost of a consultation is subsidised by Medicare with out-of-pocket expenses to see a private specialist from $35. 

Patients are matched to the nearest, most appropriate specialist for their care and offered an appointment within 5-7 days. 

Any questions? Email or for more information click on the below.